Eetane will be in touch to discuss on the date of photo week and send out a confirmation email for the booking.
3 to 4 Weeks Before The Session
Eetane will be in touch and provide:
1. A poster for the centre to display, and
2. A letter with session, pricing and packages information to be forwarded to parents.
Centres may place the poster (which consist of a QR code for registration) around the centre entrances, and forward the letter to parents.
Registration fee is $25 per child, which can be claimed as credit toward purchase, and fully refundable if the child is unwell, absent, or unwilling to be photographed. Fee is due during online registration and organised by Eetane.
5 Days Before The Photo Week
Eetane will be in touch and provide a name sheet of the registrations she received, she will also work with the centre to determine the days and time she will be in, and discuss centre requirements/expectations for staff portraits etc.
Parents who registered will also receive an email from Eetane in relation to the styling tips for their children during photo week.
Photo Session Week
Yay action time! :)
Eetane will be in the centre to capture children portraits, groups, and staff portraits.
2 to 3 Weeks After The Session
Private gallery viewing emails sent to parents and centre is notified. Online galleries and ordering will be open for 7 days.
Prints will be delivered 2 to 3 weeks after the ordering window is closed.